Mother’s Day – A Woman So Important, They Gave Her An Entire Day

I am undeniably lucky to have married a woman like Bex. She is energetic, hard-working, and takes incredible care of Luke and I. That's because she's an amazing wife, mother, and person. You better believe I'm sucking up here. Why? Because I love her. Without her, I'd be doing all the chores, laundry, changing diapers, and fixing bottles, all by myself. We've always said that we are a team and…
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This Is Why Superman Works Alone

Just after our wedding, minutes after Bex and I said I do, Uncle Mike came up to me shaking his head, looking so disappointed. "You had once chance to work 'obey' into the vows." If only I had listened to him. Life would have been a lot easier if I had. Bex and I used to look lovingly into each other's eyes and ask, "How could it be this easy?". Then the honeymoon ended. People always tell us…
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