A Guest Post from Our Friends @ Twinstuff.com

A twin pregnancy not only changes the life of the Mom but also the Dad. It is different from a singleton pregnancy in so many ways and in so many aspects. This is why it is important for both parents to know what to expect when expecting twins, especially for the first time. At the outset, you have to know that there will be physical, emotional, and financial challenges throughout the journey. Of…
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The Duchess Of Nausea – a guest post by Bex

Nothing could have prepared me for the shock of finding out I was pregnant. I mean, there were signs but I was too busy working a full time job and planning the wedding of my dreams to notice them. At first, it felt more like the flu. Then one morning, as I was getting ready for work, I knew something was different about my body. No there was no baby bump staring back at me in the mirror, at…
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A Critical Analysis Of Children’s Literature

The other day, I mentioned that I like to spice up whatever story du jour that I'm reading to Luke. It's not that the stories I read him aren't good, but they aren't spectacular either. Every parent has their favourite kids book too. You'll hear it if I talk about Dr. Seuss. It's not that Seuss is really that great, more like most books written for kids are just that bad. I've composed text…
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Three Things I Should Stop Doing, Now That I’m A Dad

Bad habbits. Everyone has them. Few people own up to them. Believe it or not, I even have a few of my own. My grannie grannie used to tell me that I'd argue with Jesus. I would always disagree with her, crying "No I wouldn't.". Thus proving her point. I have also been known to pass gas in the supermarket and blame it on the nearest kid. Really, he had it coming. He was staring me down for the…
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From Rut to What Did I do?

Back in 2016, I found myself in a rut, wondering when life was going to get going again. At the ripe old age of 28, I was washed up, hit my peak, no where to go. I found myself in the middle of a quarter-life crisis, wondering what I had to show for it. My day was routine. Get up. Go to work. Come home. Eat. Sleep. Do it all over again. I knew I needed to make a change. Something had to happen…
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Let’s Wrap

Just the other day, I found out that some countries think we're strange for using a stroller. Can you believe that? Do you mean to tell me that Americans are wrong about something? When was the last time that happened? Uh. Hang on, the President just tweeted again . . . I love my stroller. It keeps Luke comfortable and safe while providing me with something to lean on and a cup holder for my…
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NICU – The Sitcom

  Ladies and Gentlemen, please pardon the interruption. We now return you to the number one sitcom in America - The NICU. Starring Luke Gaygen as a fictional version of himself, the show revolves around a handful of newborns and their hilarious hi-jinx in the hospital. Luke is a strong and healthy baby who wound up getting moved into room #8 in the NICU after a mistake was made on delivery…
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Delivery Day (Part IV): Didn’t They Tell You

    I spent two hours in the NICU. When I went back to Labor and Delivery, a nurse stopped me in the hall just outside of Bex's delivery room. She had a very confused look on her face, and  I could see her trying to figure out why I was back here. "Didn't anyone tell you?" She asked. "Your wife was moved to the O.R." I felt like saying, "Oh gee, no they forgot to mention that trivial…
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Delivery Day (Part III): Welcome To The NICU

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10/30/2017 Delivery Day (Part II): It Went Great, Until It Didn’t. Then The Shit Hit The Fan.

  Around two a.m. I was rudely awoken from my nap. The epidural had done it's job and Bex was ready to push. So I groggily stood up, stretched, and wondered if I had time to take a seventh inning piss. She wouldn't mind right? Wrong. We were in the bottom of the ninth with two outs and it was time for Bex to hit a home run. Actually, it was time for her to hit our little baseball out of the…
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