Acting Like A Super Villain

Bex, if you're reading this, stop now. Just close it. X out and go do something else. If any other Incredi-Reader is near her, please take her phone and throw it out the window because we all know she's not going to listen me. Waiting...waiting...Okay is she gone? Good. Today I'm going to talk about a major flaw of mine and I don't want her getting ideas that I am anything less than perfect. But…
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Excess Baggage

I start to question what is essential as I'm packing my suitcase. I've been traveling my entire life and since then, lots of things have changed. Security is tighter at the airports, Mickey Mouse seems a lot shorter than he used to, and gas is way more expensive now. You know what hasn't changed though? Luggage. It's always seemed to me that when it comes to packing a bag, less is always more.…
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What’s In A Name?

William Shakespeare asked, "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Oscar Wilde said, "Experience is the name we give our mistakes." Even old Teddy Roosevelt got in on the philosophizing when he said, "Never throughout history has a man who has lived a life of ease left a name worth remembering." Gee thanks fellas. No pressure there. I read in a book…
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