He’ll Make A Great Lawyer Someday…

Negotiating With A Terrorist Boy Wonder is one of the most stubborn people I have ever met. He inherits that shimmering quality from his dad…and his mom. Now imagine the warzone that our living room becomes when these three strong wills oppose each other; at bedtime, on a school night. It’s an unpleasant experience that usually ends in tears. Well it used to. Somewhere along the lines;…
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Coming Soon – Attack Of The Fifty Food Toddler

Attack Of the Fifty-Foot Toddler! FADE IN: Cue Dramatic Overture INSERT - A revolving globe. When it stops revolving it turns briefly into a contour map of the United States, then into a flat map. Superimposed over this map are scenes of refugee parents fleeing from suburban houses by foot, car, and bicycle. NARRATOR (V.O.) Horror!Shock!Frenzy!Devastation! The images of map and refugees…
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Trials of Toilet Training

Did you know that there are apps to help with potty training? Why the hell would anyone want that? Call me old fashioned, but I believe technology and the toilet are the farthest thing from peanut butter and chocolate. This sentiment goes double for any tech that is “smart” or “connected”. There’s a reason it’s called Twitter and not Shitter. Of course, I’m guilty of scrolling…
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Table Manners, Toddlers, and A Tale Of Two Cities

An old childhood trauma resurfaced when I read an article in The Sunday Times today. The author, India Knight, talked about Etiquette vs. Manners. I’ve always found etiquette intimidating; a feeling that has recently returned since the birth of my son. Anyone with a toddler who can spin in circles faster the Tasmanian devil would know what I’m talking about. When I was younger, my parents…
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