The Duchess Of Nausea – a guest post by Bex

Nothing could have prepared me for the shock of finding out I was pregnant. I mean, there were signs but I was too busy working a full time job and planning the wedding of my dreams to notice them. At first, it felt more like the flu. Then one morning, as I was getting ready for work, I knew something was different about my body. No there was no baby bump staring back at me in the mirror, at…
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A Critical Analysis Of Children’s Literature

The other day, I mentioned that I like to spice up whatever story du jour that I'm reading to Luke. It's not that the stories I read him aren't good, but they aren't spectacular either. Every parent has their favourite kids book too. You'll hear it if I talk about Dr. Seuss. It's not that Seuss is really that great, more like most books written for kids are just that bad. I've composed text…
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Three Things I Should Stop Doing, Now That I’m A Dad

Bad habbits. Everyone has them. Few people own up to them. Believe it or not, I even have a few of my own. My grannie grannie used to tell me that I'd argue with Jesus. I would always disagree with her, crying "No I wouldn't.". Thus proving her point. I have also been known to pass gas in the supermarket and blame it on the nearest kid. Really, he had it coming. He was staring me down for the…
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From Rut to What Did I do?

Back in 2016, I found myself in a rut, wondering when life was going to get going again. At the ripe old age of 28, I was washed up, hit my peak, no where to go. I found myself in the middle of a quarter-life crisis, wondering what I had to show for it. My day was routine. Get up. Go to work. Come home. Eat. Sleep. Do it all over again. I knew I needed to make a change. Something had to happen…
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Delivery Day (Part IV): Didn’t They Tell You

    I spent two hours in the NICU. When I went back to Labor and Delivery, a nurse stopped me in the hall just outside of Bex's delivery room. She had a very confused look on her face, and  I could see her trying to figure out why I was back here. "Didn't anyone tell you?" She asked. "Your wife was moved to the O.R." I felt like saying, "Oh gee, no they forgot to mention that trivial…
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10/29/2017 Delivery Day (Part I)- The Waiting Game

Waiting is hard. I'm not a very patient man. Just ask my wife. She'll tell you it's true. Case and point, I am writing this in the delivery room. When I say that, what do you picture? Probably a scene from a movie if you're anything like me. Picture it, in all it's celluloid glory: Ext. City Hospital - Day A haggard looking, bumbling, BUFFOON, jumps out of his sports car, rolls across the hood…
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