The Duchess Of Nausea – a guest post by Bex

Nothing could have prepared me for the shock of finding out I was pregnant. I mean, there were signs but I was too busy working a full time job and planning the wedding of my dreams to notice them. At first, it felt more like the flu. Then one morning, as I was getting ready for work, I knew something was different about my body. No there was no baby bump staring back at me in the mirror, at…
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A Critical Analysis Of Children’s Literature

The other day, I mentioned that I like to spice up whatever story du jour that I'm reading to Luke. It's not that the stories I read him aren't good, but they aren't spectacular either. Every parent has their favourite kids book too. You'll hear it if I talk about Dr. Seuss. It's not that Seuss is really that great, more like most books written for kids are just that bad. I've composed text…
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From Rut to What Did I do?

Back in 2016, I found myself in a rut, wondering when life was going to get going again. At the ripe old age of 28, I was washed up, hit my peak, no where to go. I found myself in the middle of a quarter-life crisis, wondering what I had to show for it. My day was routine. Get up. Go to work. Come home. Eat. Sleep. Do it all over again. I knew I needed to make a change. Something had to happen…
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Daddy’s Private Office

Listen up dearest family of mine; Just because I sit down on the toilet, it does not mean I want to hold an emergency family meeting. Contrary to popular belief, the bathroom is not the family board room. It is my Batcave, my fortress of solitude. It's where I go to get a moment of silence, however brief that might be. Our dog and cat are always the first to follow me in there. Zoey stands guard…
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Sibling Rivalry

We have two pets, a cat and a dog. Zoey is a six year old Maltese dog who enjoys long walks in the evening, cliched barking at the mailman, and snuggling with her humans. T.C. (short for Trouble Clef) is a short haired tiger who enjoys sitting in the window, sharpening his claws on my thighs, and silently judging his humans from across the room. These two members of the family have been pretty…
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