There’s A Binky In My Batcave

I never considered myself a messy person but I certainly wouldn't call myself organized either. There's always been this untidy little grey area between cluttered and coordinated that l like to hide in. Let's refer to it as, my Batcave. Throughout my twenties I found my Batcave to be a multifunctional space. I always kept it clean enough, so as not to be embarrassed if I brought a certain…
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Baby On Board

I still can't believe they let us walk out of the hospital with him. There must have been some mistake right? How could they trust someone like me to be responsible with someone so important? It was easy to look like a semi-competent parent when a team of nurses was present to supervise. But once we left the hospital, my precious safety net would be gone and the real trial by fire would begin.…
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The Secret Superpower of IncrediDad

Ever since I was a little kid I've wanted super powers, which is the coolest thing in the world. But before I could possess great power, I needed to become a superhero. Every superhero has an origin story. By now, you've read mine. If you haven't, then what the hell are you doing? Go back and read the thirteen stories that came before this one. Go ahead, I'll wait. . . Welcome back! Now that…
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This Turkey Ain’t Flying

  There's a lot to be thankful for at this time of year. There's food, my loving wife, there's freshly baked cookies, there's our baby boy, there's . . . oh is that pie? Cut me off a little slice, would ya? A little bigger. Bigger. Yes, I am aware that's a whole quarter of the pie. Get outta here with those judgmental eyes. There's still some left isn't there? Be thankful for that. Yes,…
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Delivery Day (Part IV): Didn’t They Tell You

    I spent two hours in the NICU. When I went back to Labor and Delivery, a nurse stopped me in the hall just outside of Bex's delivery room. She had a very confused look on her face, and  I could see her trying to figure out why I was back here. "Didn't anyone tell you?" She asked. "Your wife was moved to the O.R." I felt like saying, "Oh gee, no they forgot to mention that trivial…
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10/29/2017 Delivery Day (Part I)- The Waiting Game

Waiting is hard. I'm not a very patient man. Just ask my wife. She'll tell you it's true. Case and point, I am writing this in the delivery room. When I say that, what do you picture? Probably a scene from a movie if you're anything like me. Picture it, in all it's celluloid glory: Ext. City Hospital - Day A haggard looking, bumbling, BUFFOON, jumps out of his sports car, rolls across the hood…
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Daddy Support Group

Bex pointed out a sign up sheet for Mommy and Me classes the other day. I acknowledged it with my customary cave man grunt but I really didn't think much about it at the time. The class was called Mommy and Me, not, Mommy, Daddy, and Me. Until Bex recruits me to chauffeur, I have zero obligation to care. But between you and me, I'm starting to rethink my position on this.     For those…
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Gender Reveal

For months, people had been asking us what we were having, a boy or a girl. Bex had it easy, she was at home with the hyperemesis, throwing up all day. But I was out there in the world fielding all of the questions that came from well meaning busy bodies. The early but all too frequent conversations went something like this: "Do you know the gender yet?" "No Peggy From Work who I barely talk to.…
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