Raising Children Who Could Change The World

“There's a lot of ugly things in this world, son. I wish I could keep 'em all away from you. That's never possible.” ― Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird I read to Boy Wonder every night before bedtime. He listens for about a half and hour and then passes out for the night. So it’s safe to assume that “audiobook narrator” is not a career I will be pursuing anytime soon. Imagine the ad…
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Table Manners, Toddlers, and A Tale Of Two Cities

An old childhood trauma resurfaced when I read an article in The Sunday Times today. The author, India Knight, talked about Etiquette vs. Manners. I’ve always found etiquette intimidating; a feeling that has recently returned since the birth of my son. Anyone with a toddler who can spin in circles faster the Tasmanian devil would know what I’m talking about. When I was younger, my parents…
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Choose Your Own Adventure

For me, there is nothing more stressful than finishing a chapter of a Choose Your Own Adventure novel. Two-Face has Robin dangling over a vat of acid. You only have time to save Boy Wonder or catch the crook. Do you: a) Throw your batarang to slice through Robin's ropes, or b) Tackle Two-Face and deliver him to Commissioner Gordon. Uh...can't I do both? Why isn't that an option? Won't Robin be…
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