Excess Baggage

I start to question what is essential as I'm packing my suitcase. I've been traveling my entire life and since then, lots of things have changed. Security is tighter at the airports, Mickey Mouse seems a lot shorter than he used to, and gas is way more expensive now. You know what hasn't changed though? Luggage. It's always seemed to me that when it comes to packing a bag, less is always more.…
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Daddy’s Private Office

Listen up dearest family of mine; Just because I sit down on the toilet, it does not mean I want to hold an emergency family meeting. Contrary to popular belief, the bathroom is not the family board room. It is my Batcave, my fortress of solitude. It's where I go to get a moment of silence, however brief that might be. Our dog and cat are always the first to follow me in there. Zoey stands guard…
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