I’m Alfred, Not Batman

As a father, and as a human being, I've learned to take the good with the bad. For example, it's a good thing that Boy Wonder has learned the word please. He knows it's proper use; "Peanut Butter peeze.", "Binky please.", "Money please." Wait a second, what was that? The flip side is that he knows how to weaponize the word too. "Phone please! Pleeeeeeease. PLEASE!" But he's just so damn cute, how…
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Acting Like A Super Villain

Bex, if you're reading this, stop now. Just close it. X out and go do something else. If any other Incredi-Reader is near her, please take her phone and throw it out the window because we all know she's not going to listen me. Waiting...waiting...Okay is she gone? Good. Today I'm going to talk about a major flaw of mine and I don't want her getting ideas that I am anything less than perfect. But…
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Look Who’s Talking Now

While I was getting busy talking about Incredible Leadership last week, Boy Wonder was doing something incredible himself. He said his first words. That's right, he can talk now folks! Bex brought him to see me at work the other day and as we were saying goodbye, I could not believe my ears. I heard a his little voice calling out. It was soft at first, then loud and commanding. And what were his…
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